What is the recovery time and activity restrictions after breast implants?
What is the recovery time and activity restrictions after breast implants?
Dr. Albright wants all of his patients to get the best result possible. What we do after breast augmentation surgery is just as important as the surgery itself. Although there are slight variations in breast augmentation techniques, patients will have 2 weeks with minimal reaching/pulling with the arms, and less than 20 pounds lifting of weight. This is followed by 2 more weeks of less than 45 pounds lifting, but during this time you may reach and pull with the arms. In total, there will be 4 weeks of no intense exercise and you will be in a bra 24/7 except for showering. After these 4 weeks, most patients may begin regular exercise as tolerated. Worried about drainage tubes after your breast cosmetic surgery...? Don't be. Dr. Albright rarely uses drains with this procedure of breast augmentation.
When will I see results from my Breast Augmentation?
For most patients there will be initial swelling from breast augmentation surgery followed by gradual resolution of the swelling with a resulting loss of volume. Around 2 months, most of the swelling has resolved and you will be at your approximate breast size. At this point you can go out and purchase your new wardrobe (bras, bikinis, etc)! However, even at this point, you may not have your final breast SHAPE out-of-clothes (how the breast will look when standing naked). This is because the overlying soft tissues are still adjusting to the implant which takes about 2-3 months for above-the-muscle implants to about 4-6 months for below-the-muscle implants. Depending on your goals, this may help you figure out when to schedule your breast augmentation surgery Stone Oak, TX.
How can I maintain my results from breast augmentation?
Understanding that the biology of aging can’t be reversed with a scalpel, there are some common sense precautions you can take to prolong the longevity of your result. Breast tissue and breast implants have weight. In fact, breast implants are typically heavier than native breast tissue for the same volume. Fat transfer breast augmentation has gravity and activities will move this weight over time, and eventually overpower the soft tissue support creating droopiness and a poorly positioned implant. For this reason, Dr. Albright recommends wearing breast support as much as possible, including at night, for life. Related to this concept of soft tissue strain, one should avoid significant weight fluctuations either up or down. Finally, we can avoid unnecessary damage to the soft tissue by limiting nicotine exposure and tanning.
What type of breast implant is the best choice, silicone or saline?
During your consultation, Dr. Albright, one of the best breast implant surgeons in Texas, he will discuss the differences between salt-water (saline) filled versus silicone gel filled breast implants. For most patients the choice will boil down to the overall comfort level with risks/benefits of the implant fill material. Here is a brief comparison of saline versus silicone breast implants. For further information check out our blog article on the different types of implants.
1. Breast Implants and Rupture
For saline implants, if the implant were to rupture, your body would slowly absorb the salt-water and you would notice a "deflation" or loss of volume in the affected breast. Conversely, with newer cohesive silicone implants, implant ruptures are often "silent", meaning you may not be able to see or feel a difference in the implant after a rupture. The FDA recommends scheduled MRI surveillance of silicone implants to help detect these silent ruptures. If your silicone implant ruptures, the FDA recommends having it removed with or without replacement. The recommended MRI’s are not covered by insurance and will have to be paid out of pocket.
2. Breast Implant Cost
Saline implants are typically less expensive to purchase than silicone implants (typically several hundred dollars) but may have less extensive warranty coverage. An exception to the cheaper initial cost for saline-filled implants is the new "Ideal Implant", which is a "structured"saline-filled implant that is purported to feel more like a silicone implant and has a similar overall cost to silicone implants.
3. Breast Implant Feel
Silicone implants, including gummy bear breast implants, are widely accepted as feeling more "natural" or"breast-like" particularly when squeezed or prodded. However, this is likely an over simplification. The overall implant feel is also affected by implant pocket selection, implant fill characteristics (over-filled vs under-filled saline and more or less cohesive silicone gel), and overall soft tissue coverage. Dr. Albright typically reserves saline-filled implant use to below the muscle (total submuscular) to minimize any unnatural feel. Furthermore, he discourages using saline implants in a dual-plane pocket as these implants may migrate more quickly due to a water hammer effect from the saline fluid on the surrounding soft tissue.
4. Breast Implant Weight
The implant fill density (typically grams per cc of volume) is very similar between 0.9% Normal Saline, and cohesive silicone gel. Both approximate 1g per cc. Since saline implants come deflated and are filled with salt water during the procedure, they have a range of fill volumes that can be placed and are more adjustable, whereas silicone implants come pre filled and have a fixed volume. But even with these variables, differences between implant weight (at least within the range of most implant sizes) are negligible.
5. Implant Rippling
Alamo Plastic Surgery is the one of the best places to get breast implants in Texas. Every breast implant has the risk for rippling/scalloping/waviness/folding in its shell. This is why ensuring adequate soft tissue coverage to "hide" the implant is so important. There are certainly differences in overall risk of seeing or feeling these ripples or folds. Underfilled-saline implants are at greater risk than over-filled saline implants. Less cohesive silicone gel filled implants are at greater risk than more cohesive silicone gel implants.
What is the right size breast implant for my body?
Although most women worry about specific implant volume, implant pocket and implant dimensions are more important considerations-- especially if you have a particular "look" you are trying to achieve. To this end, a simple exercise for patients considering breast augmentation is to begin collecting photos of models you like, in clothes/swimsuits/underwear/naked. You can also view Dr Albright’s B&A gallery online or in the office to get additional examples. Together you and Dr. Albright, who owns Alamo Plastic Surgery (one of the best places to get breast augmentation) will figure out how to achieve your best look.
Do I need a breast lift with my breast augmentation procedure?
This is the first question to answer when considering a breast augmentation. Dr. Albright will assess your breast tissue, the skin of the breast and the position of the nipple to help you decide which of breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast lift with breast augmentation would be best. The ideal breast augmentation candidate is a patient that desires more breast volume. If you desire to wear a larger cup size, then more volume will be needed. If you are happy with the volume of breast tissue in a bra, but not with the droopiness of the breast out of clothing, then a breast lift is best. Do you want more volume and need to fix a little breast droop? Typically, if the nipple position is below the fold of the breast while standing in front of a mirror and you want larger breasts, a lift with an implant (augmentation mastopexy) procedure will likely be needed. Visit Alamo Plastic Surgery for an affordable breast augmentation quote with financing starting at $137/month.
Which breast augmentation incision is best for me?
Dr Albright recommends placing the breast augmentation incision along the lower breast fold (inframammary fold). This affords the best control of implant pocket dissection, a critical step during breast augmentation. Additionally this incision is associated with the lowest risk of developing capsular contracture, which is a progressive pathologic thickening of the scar tissue around the implant (the capsule). The most widely accepted cause of capsular contracture is chronic inflammation in the scar tissue around the implant due to bacteria colonizing the surface of the implant. The bacteria may be encountered during implant placement either through milk ducts around the areola or in hair bearing pores / sweat glands in the armpit (axilla). Accessing the breast pocket through the belly button (umbilicus) or TUBA (transumbilical breast augmentation), has been criticized for difficulty with pocket development, and limits implant selection to saline implants.
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