11 Questions to Ask your Plastic Surgeon during a Breast Augmentation Consultation DR. WILLIAM ALBRIGHT
11 Questions to Ask your Plastic Surgeon during a Breast Augmentation Consultation

Are you planning to have a breast augmentation or boob job? Have you asked about the qualifications of your plastic surgeon or the breast augmentation type your should opt for? You haven't?
Well, you should. Before undergoing the procedure, you need to ask the following questions to your plastic surgeon.
1. Do You Have Certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
The first and most vital question you need to ask your surgeon is, are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? You should only put your trust in a qualified, experienced, reputable, and board-certified plastic surgeon. This certification designates that they have all the skills and knowledge required to give you good results.
These surgeons also have excellent training in innovative and modern aesthetic techniques. Additionally, the American Board of Plastic Surgery also ensures that their certified doctors are using all the safety standards that are crucial for patients' health.
2. Do You Have Special Training in Plastic Surgery?
Besides getting a degree from a highly reputable medical school, your doctor should also have special plastic surgeon training. Typically there are two routes to becoming a plastic surgeon. In the first which is more common and less competitive is choosing a general surgery residency for four years and then matching to a three year plastic surgery residency. The more competitive training is an integrated six year plastic sugery residency. It usually consists of three years of general surgery and three years of plastic surgery. In addition, plastic surgeons may pursue elective fellowships in hand, craniofacial, breast reconstruction, or cosmetic surgery. To receive board certification, they have to be practicing for two years and they go through a rigorous testing and surgery case review.
Besides that, surgeon’s training also requires covering the facial, neck, head surgery, skin surgery and grafting, plastic microsurgery techniques, and cosmetic surgeon of body, breast, neck, and head. The Plastic Surgery program also educates its members about healing, emergency care, fluid replacement, and the relation of science to cosmetic surgical techniques.
3. How Many Years of Plastic Surgery Training have you Had?
As we have already mentioned, at a minimum they should have three years of specific plastic surgery training. Your plastic surgeon needs to complete full training. This information should be readily available on the their website or on Healthgrades.com as well. If they do not have adequate training and experience, find another plastic surgeon that does.
4. Do you have Hospital Privileges? If yes, then which Hospital Systems?
One of the initial questions you should ask your plastic surgeon at the consultation is where they will perform your procedure. In some cases the surgeon may perform the cosmetic procedure at a their own surgical center. In this case, you should ask if they have privileges at local hospitals as well. If they do not, this is a red flag. They should have privileges in case of emergencies.
5. Is the Outpatient Surgical Facility Certified?
The facility where a surgery conducted under general anesthesia should be certified by the The Joint Commission (TJC) or formerly (TJAHO). You can easily check on the rating here as well.
This accreditation is nationally recognized and involve routine checks to ensure the facility is up to safety standards.
6. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Enlargement or Breast Enhancement?
You also need to determine whether you are the right candidate for undergoing breast enhancement or breast augmentation. The fact is, anyone who has good health both physically and mentally can be a good candidate for breast implants.
However, your plastic surgeon should tell you to wait or not perform the surgery if you are in the following categories:
· You are breastfeeding or pregnant.
· You have an abnormal mammogram or breast cancer.
· You are ill or suffering from an infection.
· You have unachievable expectations from your surgery’s results.
Usually, most women are eligible for breast implants; but be honest with your doctor about you medical history.
7. How to Achieve the Best Results?
There is a list of things your surgeon will recommend you to do post-surgery. After the procedure, your surgeon will cover your breast with gauze dressings and elastic bandages. They may also ask you to wear support like an elastic band or bra, known as a bandeau, so that your breast remain in one position. This will also help you reduce the swelling over time.
Additionally, your plastic surgeon will prescribe medications for after the surgery for pain relief and possibly antibiotics. Depending on your healing and health, some doctors recommend applying ointment and cleaning out the incision after the surgery. On the other hand, some surgeons also suggest not opening your bandage or tape. Lastly, they will also advise you to avoid any type of strenuous activity for a few weeks.
8. How Will You Perform my Breast Augmentation Surgery?
There are several methods of breast augmentation surgery. You and your plastic surgeon should discuss the options including breast fat transfer.
· Subglandular (prepectoral)
· Partial submuscular (dual plane)
· Total submuscular (under muscle)
9. What Are the Complications and Risks Associated with the Surgery?
Like any other cosmetic procedure, breast augmentation also has some risks and complications. It is better to discuss the possible complications and risks in your chosen method of surgery. This way, you and your doctor can easily deal with the situation at that time.
Some of the common adverse outcomes and complications include:
· Implant complications, such as changes in breast and nipple sensation and breast pain
· Capsular contraction, scar tissues develop around the implant
· Deflation and rupture
· Breast implant associated-anaplastic large celllymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a kind of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
10. Can I Breast Feed after Breast Augmentation?
Generally, surgeons insert the implants under the chest muscles or behind the milk glands, which does not impact your ability to feed. Additionally, a qualified plastic surgeon will try their best not to disturb the position of the glands. So, when your glands remain intact, it keeps working naturally.
However, it’s crucial that your surgeon have enough training to perform your procedure without hurting your natural abilities. The depth and location of the incision used for your procedure can significantly impact your capability to breastfeed. So, make sure that your surgeon keeps the areola intact during the procedure to limit the possibility of this problem. You can even communicate your concern so that they can keep it in mind while opting for your type of incision, method, and technique.
11. What Can I Do If I am Dissatisfied with My Results?
The best way to ensure that you will be happy with your outcomes is to have a detailed discussion about your desires with your surgeon. You need to have a clear vision of your results before undergoing surgery. This will help you build realistic expectations for your cosmetic procedure. That said, if even after estimating all the possibilities and picking the best options, you get poor results, you have several alternate options.
You can consult with your doctor to have a breast implant revision. In that case, they can remove, replace, or reposition breast implants. But the best-case scenario is to do it right the first time. Moreover, if you simply remove your breast implants, you don't need to visit your previous surgeon. Any plastic surgeon can perform that surgery.
Bottom Line
In a nutshell, there are several things you need to determine and understand about your surgeon, the facility, surgery, and everything after the surgery. The more clear vision and expectations you will have about your surgery, the more satisfied you will be post-surgery. So, make sure to dig into every aspect of the breast augmentation process to make the best decision for you.
Learn more about Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, Texas
Originally published on https://www.alamoplasticsurgery.com/articles/11-questions-to-ask-your-plastic-surgeon-during-a-breast-augmentation-consultation